Friday, September 17, 2010

Breathing Supplement

Its been a few months (almost a year actually) since I've updated this blog.

My late 20s-something Pony gelding has had moderate heaves for close to 10 years now. I've tried a couple of different supplements to help ease his breathing difficulties, but they either didn't work or he wouldn't eat them.

A little over a month ago I tried out SmartPak's SmartBreathe supplement. I love it! It helps his breathing become less labored and he actually eats it! He doesn't love it, but he eats it slowly--which is great for him. I am very happy with the results! I might take him off it in the cold months when his breathing isn't bad anyway, just to keep from him building an immunity. Then start him back up again in the Spring. Its nice to watch him gallop out to the pasture and only cough once!